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Jack Livigni

General Director of the Mediterranean Opera Studio Festival

“Ms. Delorme created a beautiful production of L’Elisr d’amore for our company - Mediterranean Opera Festival in Sicily. Her characters were charming, funny, inncocent, and compelling. We invited her back... perhaps that itself says a lot!”


Laure Deval


“La mise en scène de L’Elisir d’amore de Vivianne Delorme avait une fraîcheur et un humour inouïs. Pétillante, colorée et toujours juste dans ses partis pris, cette mise en scène soulignait toute la tendresse et l’ironie de cet opéra attachant. En plus d’avoir un vrai sens de la mise en espace, Vivianne a su développer un jeu des chanteurs malicieux et expressif. Cette mise en scène avait cette force d’accrocher le public tant et si bien qu’on avait envie d’y revenir, chaque soir, sans s’en lasser. Un vrai moment de bonheur !”


Isabelle Seraphin


“Working with Vivianne Delorme was truly inspirational ! Not only is she incredibly true to the composers wishes, finding the actions and the motivations for the characters in the music (and by this is incredibly helpful for the musical singer ), but she also has a great way to work with different singers of different temperaments! The rehearsal atmosphere is always safe and positive, allowing us to open up and embrace vulnerability. I am truely greatful for the lovely and intensive work with this gifted director !”